Why do I experience Sinus Pain with my migraines?


Many women who suffer from migraines wonder why they also have sinus pain at the same time. 


They often go chasing down ear, nose and throat specialists to see why they are having sinus pain. They try meds for congestion or antibiotics for a sinus infection.They may not be treating the problem--or worse, not addressing the source of the issue in the first place.

Why is it so hard to treat sinus pain that is connected with migraines? 

Why do we get into the habit of treating the wrong thing when it comes to migraines? 

How does...

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Can Wisdom Teeth Cause Migraines?

 A lot of people believe their migraines are triggered by neck pain, sinus infections or TMJ headaches. They even wonder if their wisdom teeth cause migraines.

I’m not sure how or why people believe that. But let’s put a stop to it. 

That is not how migraines work.

What you Need to Know about Migraines

There are different types of migraines. There are also different migraine triggers. 

Headaches are the most common migraine symptom. But it is possible to have multiple symptoms at the same time. 

Migraine symptoms are...

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Can Migraines Cause Dark Circles Under Your Eyes?

Do you feel like your migraines cause dark circles under your eyes?

A member in my free Healing Migraines Facebook group said she did and asked if anyone else got it too. TONS of other women responded.

Dark circles under your eyes are actually quite common. The next time you go to the grocery store and look around, you might see it in a few other people.

But is it a direct symptom of your migraine headache? Or does it mean your migraine is getting worse?

What Dark Circles Under Your Eyes Mean

When you have dark circles under your eyes when you get a...

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Why Your Migraine Medication is Not Working: The Problem with Abortive Medication

When your migraines first started, you probably bought the standard over-the-counter medication. You figured it’d be enough to take the edge off. But soon your migraines became more frequent and severe. You went to the doctor and received abortive meds, which worked for a while. But then that migraine medication stopped working. 

Maybe your primary care doctor continued to prescribe you more drugs and supplements. 

But the pain and symptoms came back eventually.


Because abortive migraine medication is...

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