Does the Keto Diet Help Migraines? (Why Your Migraines Will Thank You For Saying No To Keto!)

People often ask me about the keto diet and migraines. Could the benefits of the keto diet help your body become migraine-free?

It’s a fair question.

It’s natural for people who suffer from migraines to wonder how their diet affects their migraines.

But what you put into your body affects more than just your waistline — it affects every aspect of your health. 

And since the ketogenic diet is continuing to grow in popularity, I thought I’d address it. 

There are many nutritional strategies that are good...

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Does Acupuncture for Migraines and Tension Headaches work?



If you suffer from migraines, you do everything you can to find relief. The problem is your meds eventually stop working. So it’s normal to turn to natural healing options like acupuncture. But does acupuncture for migraines and tension headaches really work?

Here’s everything you need to know.

How does Acupuncture Work? 

Acupuncture is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) technique that was practiced for thousands of years. 

They did this by inserting very thin needles into your skin to promote healing. They believed...

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Can Wisdom Teeth Cause Migraines?

 A lot of people believe their migraines are triggered by neck pain, sinus infections or TMJ headaches. They even wonder if their wisdom teeth cause migraines.

I’m not sure how or why people believe that. But let’s put a stop to it. 

That is not how migraines work.

What you Need to Know about Migraines

There are different types of migraines. There are also different migraine triggers. 

Headaches are the most common migraine symptom. But it is possible to have multiple symptoms at the same time. 

Migraine symptoms are...

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Why Is My Doctor Refusing To Refill My Fioricet?


"Why Is My Doctor Refusing To Refill My Fioricet?" Dr. Leslie responds in this podcast.

In this episode I mention a free training I have on why drugs inevitably stop working after a while; here's the link to that: 

Would you like to jump on a free migraine consultation call with me to discuss how these principles apply to you? Let's jump on a call and talk about what your current state of health is today, where you would like it to be, and what is preventing your body from healing.

Click here to...

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Why going to a Yale-trained MD who uses "Integrative Medicine" is going to be a waste of time and money


Hi everyone!

Dr. Leslie here - I wanted to jump on because a woman reached out to me over the weekend that she has been seeing a Yale-trained MD and doing "natural" or "alternative" medicine with him/her, spent $20K, and has not see any improvement.

This type of thing is the reason why I get out of bed every morning ON FIRE for what I do and this calling that I have - because just throwing a bunch of tests and supplements at the problem is not going to help.

If you've listened to any of my free trainings, I talk a lot about how the conventional...

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Do your genetics doom you to migraines? Spoiler Alert: No!


Do migraine headaches run in your family?
Did you grandmother get migraines?
Your Mother?
And now is your daughter getting migraine headaches?

Do you feel "doomed" to suffer from migraines?

Are you feeling helpless against this condition?


Listen to this podcast for what is really going on with "hereditary" migraines!

Would you like to jump on a free migraine consultation call with me to discuss how these principles apply to you? Let's jump on a call and talk about what your...

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