Why do I experience Sinus Pain with my migraines?

May 17, 2021

Many women who suffer from migraines wonder why they also have sinus pain at the same time. 


They often go chasing down ear, nose and throat specialists to see why they are having sinus pain. They try meds for congestion or antibiotics for a sinus infection.They may not be treating the problem--or worse, not addressing the source of the issue in the first place.

Why is it so hard to treat sinus pain that is connected with migraines? 

Why do we get into the habit of treating the wrong thing when it comes to migraines? 

How does treating the wrong symptoms actually make migraines worse?

Listen to this podcast where I explain why is it important for you to learn about what this pain means for managing your migraines and your symptoms.

Book a free migraine consultation call with me to discuss what your current state of health is today, where you would like it to be, and what is preventing your body from healing.

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