Melissa completed the 12-Week Healing Migraines Naturally program in June 2019.

She felt that she had tried everything imaginable to help alleviate her migraines having suffered from them for over 15 years! Having tried every medication and other natural healing methods she was tired of feeling like she was being a bad mother and suffering from depression as a result of these debilitating migraines. Since joining the program, in just 12 weeks she has gone from 4 migraine days per week, to just one! And is still seeing improvements. Her story of healing is full of hope - take a listen!


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"Since completing the program I feel so much better in so many different ways. While of course I wanted my migraines to feel better, the result is my whole body feels healthier. My gut is having fewer flare ups, the brain fog is gone and I never thought that was going to happen...EVER! I believe I can get even healthier and I never thought before it was possible to get even this healthy! I feel good through the day, I can concentrate at work, and I can get up in the morning when my alarm goes off - something Iā€™ve not been able to do after at least 5 years. If you are debating whether to take the plunge and work with Dr. Leslie, she is lovely, Iā€™m going to miss my weekly call with her. She was such a support for me both physically and emotionally, and if you are like me and youā€™ve tried everything then trust me this is the one thing that actually works!"


Here's what she had to say...

"I started Dr. Leslie’s 12-Week Healing Migraines Naturally Program in June. At the time that I reached out for my free consultation I was at my witts end. I felt like I had tried EVERYTHING imaginable, from acupuncture to chiropractic, to every medication available. I had been suffering from migraines for over 15 years and I knew I needed to try something different. When I first connected with Dr. Leslie I was experiencing up to 4 migraine days per week. I work full time as a teacher, with two small kids, and it had become so difficult to manage either the migraines or the side effects of the migraine medications. Every day felt like a struggle. My kids weren’t getting the mother they deserved, and I was tired of feeling that way.


On top of all of this, at the end of last summer I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. So my gut was also not healthy. I was experiencing problems with my gastro/intestinal tract so all in all I wasn’t in great condition. I knew I had to focus on healing and it has been a life changing 12 weeks. 


What I love about this program is Dr. Leslie focuses on the whole body rather than just the migraines. So we were able to address my gut, the headaches and my emotional state. I had been suffering from depression as I always felt sick, and felt like a bad mother, and always just felt fatigued. Depression can be common with those who suffer from migraines, and there were a number of layers, that we had to deal with. 


Prior to the program I would have multi migraine days and would be totally wiped out. If on a good day, my meds worked, then the meds would have made me tired. I could be in bed for a minimum of two days with a bad migraine. Having to get through the day, work and my kids (aged 6 and 8) was a huge issue for me. I lived in fear of when is the next big one really coming, constantly analysing if I had enough meds to get me through the month, rationing and living in anxiety. 


Another huge issue was brain fog where I felt like even on a good day I still didn’t have good focus, and never felt super productive as I was always tired or not sleeping well. I was unable to fully engage in life as I was always in this “cloud”. 


I joined Dr. Leslie’s Facebook group first and I thought it was going to be a good resource to support me. I wanted to be around others who were going through what I was going through as I began to feel isolated as no one really understood. I had even recently been through a divorce (a factor of which was due to me no longer being fun and having to stay in bed a lot) so I really needed support. When I read through some of the posts I saw that I could sign up for a free consultation and on reading some of the testimonials 


I ended up going through a divorce, because I was no longer fun, and I was in bed a lot. I needed support so I asked to join the facebook group and was reading through some posts and saw the free consult and read some of the testimonials and I saw so many others like me. Those who have tried everything and exhausted every avenue, and I realised that it was  just time to start thinking about me and get my life back on track. I felt like I had nothing to lose. 


After the consult it felt like a no brainer to sign up for the program. Dr. Leslie was so thorough and paid attention to the small details that really mattered (even if I didn’t realise it!). I was impressed with how attentive Dr. Leslie was in assessing my case and my symptoms even on the free consultation. A neurologist would spend 5 minutes and just ask questions to meet the diagnostic criteria, and then just want to give me more pills. There reaches a point where the pills don’t work and so it was nice that someone was finally listening to me. 


It had no reservations working with Dr. Leslie despite her not seeing me in person. We picked a time that we would talk each week and she was very flexible in working around me. It was so helpful to review what had blocked me each week, any new symptoms that had shown up, and what was working. 


Since completing the program I feel so much better in so many different ways. While of course I wanted my migraines to feel better, the result is my whole body feels healthier. My gut is having fewer flare ups, the brain fog is gone and I never thought that was going to happen...EVER!


I can now focus and I’m productive. Prior to completing the program, I would have days where I would only manage to do a couple of things before getting too tired or getting a migraine. I can pack my day now and do so many different things and most importantly keep up with it. I have reduced my migraines now to around one per week but I will continue with this process because I believe I can get even healthier and I never thought before it was possible to get even this healthy!  I feel good through the day, I can concentrate at work, and I can get up in the morning when my alarm goes off - something I’ve not been able to do after at least 5 years. 


Dr. Leslie also helps you work on your mental state - she really looks at your whole being. I was given very specific strategies and tools to support me when things were creeping up. The tools and strategies that were given to me by Dr. Leslie are more than I have gotten out of going to a therapist for over 2 years. My depression and anxiety has improved significantly. I’ve not had to take any of my anxiety medication since we started working together. I never ended up in bed once during the whole summer. I enjoyed the summer out by the pool and took my kids on a beach vacation, something I’ve not done in over 15 years!!  


If you are debating whether to take the plunge and work with Dr. Leslie, she is lovely, I’m going to miss my weekly call with her. She was such a support for me both physically and emotionally, and if you are like me and you’ve tried everything then trust me this is the one thing that actually works!