Frequently Asked Questions about Migraines

Migraines are actually more common than you think. They can be very painful, even debilitating. There is still a lot of research about migraines that needs to be done. But here are answers to some frequently asked questions about migraines.

Questions about Migraines

  • What is a Migraine?
    A migraine is a neurological medical condition with overwhelming symptoms including recurring headaches. It affects more than 39 million Americans, most of whom are women. 
  • Is my Migraine a Brain Disorder?
    No. Not at all. Conventional medicine assumes that any symptoms we experience are because of some defect of the body. That’s not true. Migraines are our body reacting to the environment it’s in. It’s nature’s way of telling you that your body isn’t in a complete state of health.
  • What are the different types of Migraine?
    Here are the most common types of migraines. I go into more detail about each one in this blog.
    • Migraine without Aura
    • Migraine with Aura
    • Hemiplegic Migraine
    • Retinal Migraine
    • Menstrual Migraine
    • Vestibular Migraine
  • How do I know if my Headache is Actually a Migraine?
    Headaches are symptoms of migraines. Migraine headaches can range from mild to intense and throbbing. They can last for hours or even days. However, not all headaches are migraines. Take this quiz to find out if your headache is really a symptom of a migraine.
  • What are Some Common Migraine Triggers?
    Whatever is triggering your migraine symptoms is not “causing” them. That’s a common myth. What you need to do is reverse these triggers so you don’t get migraines in the first place. Some common migraine triggers include:
    • Dietary triggers such as caffeine or citrus fruits
    • Emotional triggers such as anxiety or stress
    • Various medications including birth control
    • Environmental triggers such as bright lights or loud noises
    • Hormonal triggers such as menstruation
  • Is Naturopathic Medicine Better than Conventional Medicine for Migraine Relief?
    As a Naturopathic doctor I’m trained to find and treat the root cause of your migraine. A conventional doctor is trained to treat the symptoms of your migraine. And quite often that means simply prescribing meds. To conquer your migraine you need to find the root cause.
  • Why does my Migraine Medication Stop Working?
    Symptoms are signals your body uses to tell you something is wrong. If you suppress one symptom, your body will just find another way to get its message out. Click here to find out more about why your migraine medication stops working over time.
  • Are Migraines Hereditary?
    They can be. Almost half of the people who battle migraines say they have a relative who have migraines as well. But does that mean you should feel doomed to suffer from migraines? Absolutely not.

Questions about Naturopathic Medicine

  • What is naturopathic medicine?
    Naturopathic medicine is all about taking a comprehensive approach to your health. It addresses illness, disorder and disease by identifying its root cause. Naturopathic doctors can own private clinics or choose to work in integrative medical centers, urgent cares and larger hospital settings.
  • Can a naturopathic doctor prescribe medicine?
    Every ND studies the same basic sciences and goes through the same hands-on training as a conventional doctor. We have a deep understanding of all the common over-the-counter meds and prescription medication. Depending on the state we work in, we can also diagnose and prescribe.
  • Will health insurance cover my visit with a naturopathic doctor?
    There is no definitive answer for this question. There are different rules for each state, your health care provider and the practicing ND. However, I do not accept insurance at my practice.
  • Naturopathic doctor vs naturopath: What’s the difference?
    There is a big difference between a naturopathic doctor and a naturopath. A naturopathic doctor has to go through rigorous training and examinations during their four-year-degree. They then become licensed health care providers. A naturopath does not receive recognized medical training and is not licensed to practice naturopathic care.

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